Good morning! I thought we could all start our week off with some beautiful fresh fruit.
It has been ridiculously hot here for the past few days – over 100. I think the whole West has been experiencing this heat wave. Those temps aren’t unusal for a Salt Lake summer – but in June?! I was looking forward to a few more weeks of 80s before we moved into the triple digits! But instead we have highs in the 100s until Thursday, when it will be a cool 98. Eek!
Thank goodness for central air, lots of cold water, and fruit salads like this one. They are basically how I survived the weekend! (Oh and I made some ice cream, too. Just to keep cool, you know?) I’m snacking on this fruit salad as I type, and it’s wonderfully cooling and hydrating. I don’t usually make a conscious effort to choose hydrating snacks, but it strikes me as I’m munching that the water content is half the reason I’m enjoying it so much. Mmmmm melon.