I am currently on an ice cream bender.
As I posted on Facebook last week, my friend Andy donated his ice cream maker to a worthy cause: me trying out this peanut butter chunk ice cream from Edible Perspective. (Thank you Andy!!!) Well, I haven’t quite worked my way up to that fantastic recipe yet (it has 15 steps!); instead I thought I’d start with something simpler.
And then I fell in love with the simple ice cream recipes, and have made, oh, 4 batches in the past 4 days.
I actually waltzed into a 9:00 meeting without make-up earlier this week because I got caught up churning ice cream in the morning. I didn’t realize until 8:31 that I had to be into work (20 minutes away) in 29 minutes. Oops. I hadn’t gotten dressed, brushed my teeth, or put on make-up yet. Of those three things, obviously the make-up was the one that could wait until after the meeting. But don’t worry… the ice cream got churned and lovingly stored in the freezer before I left. Priorities.