My brain is exploding with Asian flavors recently, in case you haven’t noticed. Tofu and sesame and ginger, oh my!
Well, no tofu in this one. That was Monday. Today we mostly have a whole lotta avocados!
This recipe was actually inspired by the Asian slaw stuffed avocados I posted last week. Between taking pictures, I was pouring leftover liquid from the slaw over the bits of avocado I’d scooped out when it hit me – ASIAN GUACAMOLE. I googled it immediately and while I wasn’t the first one to think of it, that’s practically impossible anyway. I was just looking for validation that this idea that had come out of my brain wasn’t going to be disgusting. Usually, if I google a recipe idea and get no results, it means 100,000 bloggers have tried it before me and decided it wasn’t worth posting about.
That is definitely not the case here. And while I’m not the first one in the history of mankind to make an Asian guacamole recipe, I bet your friends will be pretty impressed with your creativity when you show up at a party with this.