Today I made you some mashed pahsnips.
Pahhhhsnips. That’s me with my Boston accent. I don’t actually have one, but if I did, this would be a fun vegetable for you to hear me pronounce. I pahked the pahsnips in Hahvahd yahd… you know.
Speaking of Boston accents, that is where I am headed at the end of the week! I will be home for Christmas and then for a few days afterward, when my mom and are planning to bang out some major wedding planning. So far my mom has taken care of everything, and – gulp – we booked our venue without me having seen it in person. I can’t wait to see it myself, taste the delicious food they’re going to make us, meet with photographers, etc. Maybe that will make it all seem a little more real! Because right now it still seems like just a reeeeally good dream. A really good dream that is taking over my Pinterest boards.
The wedding may have been occupying the majority of my mindshare lately, but I haven’t forgotten about that upcoming holiday! I even mashed up an exotic root vegetable for you in honor of it.