Is it just me, or are pistachios everywhere recently?
I’m not sure if it’s a seasonal thing, or if the big pistachio TV ad campaign actually worked. I’m guessing the latter, because I just googled ‘when are pistachios in season’ and Google told me fall. So, way to go, pistachio marketers, getting PSY to dance with life-sized pistachios on national television somehow actually worked out for you.
Moving right along.
I’ve had pistachios on the brain recently because we had a huge bag of them at work that no one could stop eating. (They were the salt and pepper kind from Costco – so good.) Then I started noticing pistachios popping up in lots of recipes. And a few weeks ago, I was reading an article on The Kitchn – I honestly don’t even remember which one – that mentioned making your own pistachio butter. It was just a casual aside and didn’t go into detail, but it was one of those moments where everything stopped and I was like, whaaaaaat, homemade pistachio butter?! I had to know more.