Happy Friday!
First of all, I have to say that I’m so glad you all love chocolate cake as much as I do. Not that I suspected otherwise… but, you know, I like bonding with you over cake. It’s kind of like a girls’ night, you know? We bond as we chat and eat chocolate together. My favorite.
Yesterday the phrase “I love you like a fat kid loves cake” popped into my head. Actually, I heard a wedding ceremony (on TV, thank goodness, not real life) where the bride included that phrase in her vows! Is it just me, or is that a little weird and… insensitive? Also, it implies that the speaker does not love cake, which I would hope to be false. Especially given the cost of wedding cakes. If you are gonna pay for a wedding cake, you better freaking LOVE that cake.
Anyway, let it be known that I love cake. Whatever that makes me, so be it!
But we are not here to talk about cake. We’re here to talk about goat cheese. Remember the time I put goat cheese on top of cake? That was awesome, and I think I’ve mentioned it in every post since. But I digress. Goat cheese. Focus.