On the one hand, I couldn’t be happier to see the end of the workweek. I’m currently traveling for work (always exhausting, no matter how quick the trip) and am pretty excited to collapse into my own bed. On the other hand, I am a liiiittle nervous that the week is over, because tomorrow morning I’m running a half marathon. Eek!
A 7 am race is not exactly a recipe for a relaxing start to the weekend… especially when it’s an hour away and you have to catch a bus to the starting line before 5:30. AHH! However, I can’t really complain, since I’ve been looking forward to this race for months.
Can I really run 13.1 miles? I ask myself this question before the start of every long run. Can I really run 7 miles? 8? 9? 10? Week after week, the answer seems to be yes. So I guess I have to face the fact that I will be running 13 miles tomorrow.