Happy day after Thanksgiving! I made you pie… kind of. Rice Krispie treat pie?
I’m sharing this recipe with you today not so much because I think you have a Rice Krispie treat craving (you probably don’t), but because if you made pecan pie for yesterday, you probably have most of these ingredients already. And if you try to shove that half bottle of corn syrup back in your overcrowded cabinet, something else – probably something stinky, sticky and dark colored, and in a glass bottle, because that’s how these things work – is going to come shooting out and explode all over your counter. Not to mention that next time you go to make a pecan pie, you will definitely have forgotten that you already have the corn syrup, and you’ll buy another bottle, use half of that one, and then try to wedge it into your cabinet as well. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything… and please don’t count the half bottles of corn syrup in my cabinet.