It’s the moooost wonderful tiiiime of the year. And that’s because it’s time for the post where I get to show you all how much I f#*%!ed up in the kitchen this year.
We can all share a good laugh and I’ll pretend like this isn’t a blow to my ego. Secretly I’ll be sobbing behind my laptop as I look at each one of these images and relive the hours of effort I put into making this totally disgusting food. And this obviously isn’t even half of the stuff that went wrong behind the scenes of this blog over the past twelve months; these are just the dishes I thought were worthy of documenting… before I tasted them, that is.
Without further ado:
Let’s start with birthday cupcakes gone wrong. I thought it would be a good idea to make “brownie mosaic” peanut butter cupcakes (inspired by this brownie mosaic cheesecake) with chocolate frosting. Um… Too. Much. And if I say that, it’s really true. They tasted like I had closed my eyes in the baking aisle and just dumped the first five boxed mixes I touched into a bowl together. Not good.