It is that perfect weather time of year. June! June, I love you.
It’s perfect patio temperature. Warm in the sun, cool in the shade, and because we live in the West, perfectly dry all the time. It’s light in the morning when I wake up, and light in the evening when I leave work. Sometimes it’s even light out when I’m thinking about going to bed at night… but I try to stay up until dark. Otherwise I might have to sacrifice my adulthood.
It’s also perfectly green right now. Utah is usually not that green of a place. But somehow this year we had good snowfall and a relatively wet spring, so things haven’t started to shrivel into wildfire tinder just yet. And with just a bit of snow still in the mountains overhead, it’s just gorgeous!
The weather is also great for running, as long as you get your run over early enough before the sun really starts baking. To me, there’s nothing better than running in the cool part of the day before the rest of the city wakes up. After work runners: I don’t know how you survive at this time of year. It is still HOT out at 6 or 7 pm, and I mean, if you wait until later than that, when do you eat dinner?! I am very concerned for you. You are going to be heat stroked and hungry – my two worst nightmares. My workout schedule clearly revolves around temperature and food.
It’s also that time of year where I’m finally starting to get sick of hot breakfasts. That makes it officially smoothie season!
This smoothie was born in one of those moments standing in the middle of my kitchen surveying the contents of fridge, freezer and cabinets, wondering what I could combine to actually make my next meal. Blueberries and tahini – why not? I’ve made a smoothie using pretty much every other nut and seed butter, so why not give sesame seeds a chance?
The tahini flavor doesn’t come through too strongly in this smoothie – you would probably miss it if you didn’t know it was there. I loved the subtle tang, though, and Nate (not a tahini fan) slurped it down enthusiastically, too. I may have strategically left tahini off the ingredients I mentioned to him until he was a good halfway through his bowl. But hey, no harm, no foul!
Let’s ditch the hot breakfast for a day and blend up this pretty purple smoothie. Just check your teeth afterwards because… blueberries.
- 2 dates, pitted and chopped (and soaked in water for 10 minutes if not using a high-speed blender)
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1 frozen banana, sliced into coins
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/4 cup milk (I used almond milk)
- 2 Tbsp tahini
- 1 Tbsp ground flax seed
- sprinkle of cinnamon
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add more milk if you desire a thinner consistency. Serve and enjoy!

I feel cooler just looking at this smoothie! I’m sure the tahini gives it a nice, smooth texture too. Yum!
I’m not sure how people run in the evening either. I’ve been itching to sign up for a race but I suck at waking up early so figuring out when to train is kind of an issue. I’m definitely not up for being heat stroked or hungry though!
That’s so funny, we eat dinner at 10pm where I live! And sometimes it’s still light then! Lovely smoothie.
Staying awake until it’s dark is overrated ;) I honestly never would have thought to put tahini in a smoothie and I may have pulled a Nate and turned up my nose if someone offered it to me. BUT, because now that I’ve met you and you’re a highly trustable person, I’ll take your word for it!
It’s smoothie season fo’ sho!! Time to make all them smoothies!
I love this idea! I seriously eat tahini by the spoonful and love the idea of it in a smoothie. I bet it makes it nice and creamy. I could slurp this down everyday and write myself a post-it note to not forget to check my teeth ;)
I love, love tahini! Adding it to a smoothie makes me so happy ;)
Well I’m certainly intrigued… I will have to give this a whirl!
My oh my girlfriend–that is one SEXY bowl o’ smoothie! Blueberry smoothies have been my obsession lately, even though they make my lips blue all day. Minor details. That tahini addition is epic!!
You just put tahini in a smoothie? I want to marry you!!! Why haven’t I tried this yet? Tahini is my favorite ingredient and this smoothie has me drooling!
this smoothie sounds wonderful! we love tahini in anything
This is great idea. I tried smoothies with chia seeds, ground flax, nut butters, but I never thought of tahini in a smothie. Thanks for inspiration!!