Need something to wake you up on a Monday? This oughtta do the trick.
Just looking at this smoothie is a jolt to the senses. I, for one, prefer dim lights in the morning until I’m fully awake. Where is the dimmer switch on this thing?! Please pass the sunglasses.
The electric color of this breakfast makes me giggle. It is just SO pink! And when you see that shade of pink, you know the culprit…
Beets in your breakfast. We’re doin’ it.
I was inspired to make this smoothie with the leftover pureed beets from last week’s chocolate beet cake. Thanks to that cake, I have officially become the girl who keeps a jar of beet puree in the fridge. Odd? Possibly. But healthy and delicious? Definitely.
I know not everyone loves beets, and I certainly wouldn’t say they’re my favorite root vegetable, but I have to give them some love here. Beets fit amazingly well into sweet recipes and are so chock full of nutrients that I even skipped the spinach in this smoothie (usually a must for me!). The beet and raspberry combo is an especially good one, both in flavor and in color, obviously. So pretty and so tasty… I can’t decide which part is my favorite.
I’ve been loving incorporating vegetables into our breakfasts – usually pumpkin, but now, BEETS. The other day I made Nate his pumpkin oatmeal and made myself some beet oatmeal. Our orange and pink breakfasts looked so funny next to each other! He was skeptical of the beet oatmeal thing, but slurped down this smoothie in no time. Cha-ching! My man is not a big breakfast fan, so any breakfast that passes his test is immediately deemed blog-worthy.
The sunflower seed better is a great combo with the beets and raspberries, too. I still haven’t quite figured out why I love Sunbutter in smoothies so much, given my undying love of (and preference for) peanut butter and almond butter. The strong flavor of sunflower seed butter really of stands out in a smoothie, whereas almond butter just kind of fades into the background. It just works!
Let me also call your attention to the velvety texture we have going on here. I make smoothies in our food processor because it’s more powerful than our cheap blender, so my smoothies usually have little flecks of berries and greens in them. Not this one! Those beets and raspberries blend up to a bright pink, velvety perfection. Perfect for sipping through a straw or eating with a spoon – my preferred smoothie-eating method, despite the pretty straws in these photos.
So the big question is, what else should I make with my beet puree?! I am open to all suggestions, because I blended up a LOT of beets this weekend.
I hope the color of these smoothies is the most shocking thing to happen to you on this Monday!
- 2 cups frozen raspberries
- 1 cup cooked pureed beets (see here for instructions)
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1 cup plain unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
- 2 dates, pitted and chopped (and soaked in water for 30 minutes if you don't have a high-speed blender)
- 2 Tbsp sunflower seed butter
- 1 Tbsp ground flax seed
- 1/8 tsp vanilla extract
- optional: 1 Tbsp maple syrup for added sweetness
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!

Beets and raspberries sound amazing together, will have to try. What about beet burger or ravioli?
Wow! The color of these is absolutely amazing!
love the lime green straws with the hot pink smoothie!
This is the prettiest smoothie I have EVER seen. I seriously need to start cooking/baking/blending ;) with beets!
I adore beet smoothies and this one looks so velvety smooth and beautiful! Definitely the perfect way to wake up on in the morning!
What beautiful smoothie!! I love the idea to use a food processor for them too. It’s a great suggestion for those of us who can’t afford a Vitamix…boo.
I wanted to make a pink coconut cream icing with beets for Valentine’s but I never got around to perfecting the vanilla quinoa cupcakes that it was supposed to top. So that’s my suggestion- beet icing! :)
YES PINK YAY! These are so much fun — and they look like they taste incredible, too! I love how creamy they look…man, that color is making me happy just looking at it. Thanks for sharing :)
Erica, I think we are soul sisters!!! I just made us a coconut beet smoothie this morning. I laughed out loud when I saw this post. We need to meet in “real” life!! We are definitely on the same flavor kick at the moment!!! Love this version of the smoothie. Cheers!
I think you just might be right :) Tumbleweed Farm is 100% on my itinerary the next time I am in the PNW! Hope it’s in your slow season :)
So pretty! I’m a total fan of beets as long as they’re mixed in with something. I had a doctor tell me once to drink the juice for detoxing the liver, so I know how powerfully nutritional they are….and girl, you need to get yourself a Nutribullet. It’s perrrrrfect for smoothies, and it’s only around $100. :)
I want beets in my breakfast! I mean legit, this has to be the most beautiful smoothie I’ve ever seen. Literally. And bursting with nutrition, too! Drooooool. And some more drool.
I am loving beets in smoothies lately! I have even progressed to using raw beets which I wasnt sure if I’d like but now I’m hooked (a little cacao or squirt of lemon juice helps to counteract the “earthy” flavour of raw beets). The other plus of beets in smoothies, as demonstrated in your photos – is that they make the smoothie such an amazing colour. Whats not to love!? :)
I still have that beet cake on my brain.
This one’s right up there, too. So good lookin’!f
I am in LOVE with the color of this smoothie!! I bet you could make an awesome pink soup with it!
So pretty! Full of nutrients too, but my brain just keeps screaming “so pretty!”
Wow — it’s amazing that such a bright pink color was achieved through all natural ingredients. This looks like such a nutritious smoothie, and the color is absolutely gorgeous.
As for the rest of your beet puree, perhaps some beet brownies? I made some
Sustain the outstanding work !! Lovin’ it!