Told you I might sneak a fifth post in here this week! And for a change, it has nothing whatsoever to do with food. Instead, it’s about the half marathon I’m running this weekend!
Nate and I are driving down to Moab tomorrow morning with our friends Pete and Kate to run the Other Half. It will be my second time running this race – you can read last year’s recap here! – and I couldn’t be more excited!
Clearly I was pretty excited last year too… at around mile 5, that is:
(Image courtesy of Action Sports Images.)
The others haven’t run this particular half before, but I’m pretty sure that won’t stop all three of them from kicking my butt :) In fact, I expect to have more than 5 miles left to go when Nate crosses the finish line. (If I have less than that left, that’s either really good for me, or… really bad for him.) It’s the first race we’ve ever run “together.” I’ll be cheering for him from 5 miles back!
So, indulge me in a little training talk. Like last year, I’ve been following Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 training plan. I really love having a training plan to follow and a reason to push myself to run a mile further every weekend. Somehow I’ve managed to fit in all those long runs despite traveling to three weddings this fall. I even ran in Vegas! I hope that is the ugliest and smelliest run I ever do. (I wasn’t the ugly and smelly one… Vegas was.)
Oh, and on one trip I forgot my own socks and had to wear Nate’s.
When I ran this race in 2012, I wasn’t confident I could finish 13.1 miles. My knee had started acting up about halfway through my training, leaving me with more than 5 weeks of elliptical workouts leading up to race day. That’s actually the reason I haven’t written about my training here at all – I’ve been so afraid to jinx it! Unfortunately, that didn’t work, and I’ve been mostly on the elliptical since an 11-miler 2 weeks ago left my knee feeling pretty tender. I am bummed that I couldn’t make it through 100% of my training because of my knee, but I’m hoping that the 10 weeks of training I did do – as well as foam rolling, ice and ibuprofen – will see me through!
This time around, I know I can run 13.1 miles… at a 10-minute mile pace, at least, which is what I’ve been doing my long runs at. My goal is more like 9-minute miles, which is around my natural pace. Check out this pace calculator I found. It’s customized to the elevation changes in this race, and you can customize it for goal time, how much you struggle with hills, etc:
I don’t think I’ll be getting this tattooed on my forearm like their website suggests, but it’s pretty interesting. Definitely doesn’t leave much room for walking! Also, I’m almost positive the race website lies about the elevation changes – there is a HUGE hill in miles 7 and 8 that is going to slow me down to a lot more than 9:16! And another one at mile 12. Oof.
Last year, I flew through the first 6 or 7 miles. By mile 12 or so, putting one foot in front of the other required a Herculean effort. As you can see, things weren’t pretty by the end!
(Image courtesy of Action Sports Images.)
I always love the contrast between photos taken early and late in the race. Hah.
This year, I’d like to finish strong, and I’d also like to run under 2:00. My plan is to stick with the 2:00 pacer for at least the first 5 miles, then see how I feel and maybe pick it up. Speed might be an issue, but overall I’m feeling good.
Bring it, Moab!

So proud of you for doing this! I’ll be thinking of you and Nate and beautiful Moab the whole time! Kick it!
Thanks Mom!
Feels like forever ago that we signed up for this! I am excited race weekend is finally here…and the weather will be beautiful. We got this! (And maybe..just maybe..Nate and Pete will run back to cheer us on through our last several miles!)
Just like at Millcreek that time :) I am excited!!
Way to go, Erica! 13.1 is a long way and that is one steep hill. Good luck with it all!! I know you’ll be super.
Thanks Dad!
Good luck this weekend! You’re a freakin’ rockstar with your paces so I know you’re going to be awesome :) Can’t wait to hear about it!
Thanks Becky :) Loved hearing about your half last weekend! P.S. Did you like how I featured some ugly running pictures in there? And I didn’t even show the worst ones!
Wow, you did awesome last year! Really, beating that would be a huge accomplishment but finishing is all that matters. Haha, I’m saying that because I have been majorly slacking on my 10k training and the race is in 2 days. I’m just happy to finish at this point! :)
You’re going to do amazing and I will keep my fingers crossed that your knee doesn’t act up. Hopefully it will be distracted by the beautiful views. Just don’t forget to bring a pair of socks! ;)
Thanks Sarah! Good luck in your 10K! Can’t wait to hear about it :)
Heck yeah Erica!!! I’ll be cheering you on from Oregon. You will totally rock this race (especially if you wear your purple Brooks shoes. I have the same pair!) I’m totally impressed by all of your hard work (running, blogging, cooking and occupying a full time job!) you are a rock star and I will be cheering you on from the side lines in spirit. You got this girl!
Love those purple Brooks shoes! This is my second pair of those PureFlows and I am due for a new one soon. Which color to pick next?!
oh wow, so exciting! my mum’s just completed her first half marathon at age 45, and she’s so much fitter & faster than i am at 21! i trained with her but only got to 10 miles before i had to go back to uni. i’m definitely hoping to do one next year though. best of luck! :)
Wow!! You go girl!!! What an absolutely gorgeous run!! The scenery alone would keep me going! (We have nothing like that in Ohio!)
Hope your knee was ok – my right knee is not my friend from time to time. I was in physical therapy for my foot about a year ago, and actually could apply a lot of what I learned there for my knee! I’m too young for this! But … I’m totally not willing to give up running (which is what one doc suggested – I got a new doc!) because I really enjoy it.
Can’t wait to read about how it went!!! :)