Happy Monday! How do you feel about starting the day off with one of these?
These may look like muffins, but they are actually little individual baked oatmeal cups. Chock full of oats, bananas, almond butter, and more almonds, they are the most delicious thing I’ve eaten for breakfast lately. And bonus: they are refined sugar-free and completely vegan. Now that is the way I want to start off my day!
If you’ve never made baked oatmeal before, it couldn’t be simpler. Just mix the handful of ingredients together, spoon into a muffin tin (or baking dish, if you’d rather do one big batch) and bake for about 20 minutes. The result is chewy on the outside, tender on the inside, and very portable – yum. I will take these over regular old oatmeal any day.
Also, assuming that you don’t have time to whip these up on a weekday morning, they reheat very well. A batch on the weekend will give you adorable little oatmeal cups all week!
I mentioned in Friday’s post that Nate is not the biggest breakfast lover (which I can never understand, since I wake up absolutely starving). I try to entice him with his favorite foods in the morning – granolas work, as do berries, and I’m proud to say that these baked oatmeal cups did the trick as well. Success! And when he comes back for seconds, I know the recipe is really good. Or that he ran 30 miles this weekend… whatever. Not mutually exclusive.
I hope that these little banana almond bundles of joy can turn you into a breakfast lover, too… because breakfast is good for you! Eating breakfast helps you stay lean, maintain good cholesterol, and keep up a healthy lifestyle. And eating almonds for breakfast is even better, since they help keep you fuller longer (always appreciated by my constantly rumbling tummy). Why am I telling you this? Because September is Better Breakfast Month and to celebrate, California Almonds would like to give away a Better Breakfast Starter Kit to one Coffee & Quinoa reader! The kit includes:
– A pound of whole natural almonds
– A pound of sliced almonds
– A jar of (seriously delicious!) almond butter
– A $20 Visa gift card to buy anything else that makes your breakfast better – like the rest of the ingredients for these baked oatmeal cups!
– A reusable, insulated travel pouch perfect for breakfasts on the go
– A recipe card with better breakfast inspiration
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite breakfast food. You can also get one bonus entry for doing each of the following:
– Like Coffee & Quinoa on Facebook
– Like California Almonds on Facebook
– Follow Coffee & Quinoa on Twitter
– Follow California Almonds on Twitter
– Follow Coffee & Quinoa on Pinterest
Leave a separate comment on this post for each bonus entry you’ve completed.
The giveaway is open to US residents only and will close on midnight on September 29th. A winner will be randomly chosen and notified via email on September 30th! {Note: This giveaway is now closed.}
In additional, California Almonds is running a Better Breakfast Challenge, where they are challenging people to make over their breakfasts for at least one week. You can enter by submitting a photo of your better breakfast at the link above, and the prize is a year’s supply of almonds! Hmm, I would like to find out how many almonds I could go through in a year. I may be up for this challenge.
In conclusion, here is what I’d recommend you do right this instant:
– Enter the giveaway
– Make these baked oatmeal cups
– Top them with a little extra schmear of almond butter and drizzle of maple syrup (do it)
– Take a picture of them and submit it to the Better Breakfast Challenge
– Eat them
– Be happy
Sound good? I think so.
Last but not least, happy birthday to my wonderful sister Caitlin! Caitlin lives approximately 2,000 miles away from me and so I haven’t seen her on her birthday in probably 10 years. <– So sad. Love you sister! Have a great day!
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 1 1/2 cups mashed bananas (4-5 bananas) + 1 extra banana, sliced
- 3 cups old-fashioned oats
- 1 1/2 cups plain unsweetened almond milk
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- 1 cup raw sliced almonds + extra for topping
- Preheat oven to 375 and position a rack in the center. Grease a muffin tin with baking spray. Be sure to get the spray all the way up the sides of the muffin tins, because we're filling them all the way up!
- If almond butter is not runny, microwave it for about 30 seconds to loosen it up.
- Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and stir until thoroughly combined. Spoon into muffin cups. Top with a few sliced almonds and a slice of banana.
- Place on rack in the center of the oven and bake until oatmeal cups are firm to the touch, about 20-25 minutes.
- Optionally, set oven to low broil for an additional 1-2 minutes to toast the almonds and caramelize the banana on top. Be careful, though - the almonds burn easily! If your broiler is uneven or you've never used it before, I'd recommend skipping this step.
- Wait several minutes for oatmeal cups to cool before running a knife around the edges and removing them from the tin. Serve hot or let cool and refrigerate individually wrapped for breakfasts on the go. Enjoy!

My favourite breakfast food… pancakes on weekends and yogurt & granola on weekdays. Thanks so much for your wonderful recipes!
My favorite breakfast is a banana with almond butter or sunflower seed butter. Its really a dessert… don’t tell anyone! Heehee
I think my favorite breakfast food must be French toast. With REAL maple syrup! :)
My favorite breakfast is oatmeal! I put chia seeds and almond butter in it then top it with various fruits and occasionally sliced almonds. If I’m feeling extra fancy that day I’ll throw a a smidge of brown sugar in too : ) Can’t wait to try this recipe, it’s like my favorite but baked!
Hands down, my favorite breakfast food is lemon poppy seed muffins. I’ve loved them ever since I was a kid, and now, whenever I see them in a bakery or cafe, I always have to indulge for the sake of nostalgia :)
Baaaaaked oaaaaatmeaaaaaal cuuuuuuups!!! They’re so cool! I’ve never baked my oatmeal like this. I want to hug you! Okay…favorite breakfast – FO SHO yogurt/fruit/granola combo…little parfait action. So tough to beat every single day. Love the giveaway my dear, love the oatmeal cups, totally wanting to shmear them with almond butter and be happy! ;)
Been following you around the social media-sphere for eons ;)
How would substuting almon milk for rice milk?
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My fave breakfast is oatmeal with maple syrup and fruit and a glass of orange juice.
These look amazing! Oatmeal + bananas = deliciousness.
My favorite go-to breakfast is oatmeal with cinnamon and bananas. I make up several bags of the oatmeal & cinnamon at the beginning of the week so I can grab them on the way out the door. They heat up easily in the microwave once I get to work :)
Favorite breakfast food is French toast with fruit on top or granola from The Cottage restaurant in LaJolla, CA.
My favorite breakfast food is a banana. I can dress it up with peanut butter or dunk it in chocolate and I’m out the door. It’s portable, affordable and versatile. Love, love, love it.
Audrey and I’s favorite breakfast is oatmeal. Usually either tropical or nut butter and chocolate. Either way we top it with just a splash of almond milk before enjoying. It is good uncooked in the summer and nice and warm in the winter. Yum!
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Until this post, my favorite breakfast was your quinoa crunch granola, but this may win the day. I’ll be trying it on Thursday morning when I have time and a house guest to cook for! I love that they will reheat well! Thank you!
I seriously cannot wait to try these oatmeal cups! Right now, my favorite breakfast is either pancakes or overnight oats!
My favorite breakfast is homemade almond butter pancakes with real maple syrup and berries. This recipe looks very good and I will definitely try it!
My favorite breakfast is definitely oatmeal!
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Girl, we are on the same wavelength! I just made oatmeal muffins this weekend. Love it. I follow you on FB and Instagram!
Love these muffins- they are the perfect breakfast treat! I always feel indulgent taking the time to scramble up some eggs in the morning, since I’m normally running out the door.
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crepes with raspberry sauce
I’m not huge on traditional breakfast foods but I do love breakfast! My fave is definitely avocado toast!!
Despite my love for this blog it took me a long time to come around to the whole quinoa for breakfast thing. However, now my favorite breakfast is a big smoothy made of greek yogurt with bananas, milk, some other fruit of choice poured over… cold (cooked) quinoa! I know it sounds weird but it adds a little chewy and some extra protein to my morning.
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My absolutely favorite thing to eat for breakfast is poached eggs in tomato sauce. I’m italian and always have sauce ready to go, and you just let it bubble to a simmer and crack some eggs in, walk away, and come back. So delicious. Especially when it gets colder.
Do you think applesauce would hold it together instead of bananas? Over the past year I’ve developed an allergy. It’s killing me, I used to eat and bake bananas constantly. I like the idea of a portable breakfast since I bike commute in the mornings, and I can-and have- eaten cupcakes while biking
Hello! I know this question was posted a year ago but I just came across this site. Applesauce will work just as good as mashed bananas, and so will canned pumpkin! I make it with canned pumpkin all the time.
My FAVORITE breakfast food in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is oatmeal with peanut butter, bananas, honey, and cinnamon… It’s a big ol’ hearty bowl of yum!
Happy birthday to your sister – I think these muffins would be the perfect celebration! As for breakfast things, I love oatmeal and overnight oats :)
My favorite breakfast right now is a whole grain bread and almond butter with honey or jelly! :)
My favorite breakfast is a roasted veggie frittata with fresh fruit & a strong cup of coffee.
My favorite breakfast is an egg white veggie omelet topped with avocado and sriracha chili sauce!
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These are yummy! thank you I added two small apples and a scoop of chocolate protein powder! Happy to pack them in lunches or as a grab and go before swim!
Thank you these are delish! I added chocolate protein powder and two smallish apples…its like dessert for breakfast! Your Dad could use these on his epic rides! A favorite breakfast is coconut quinoa with cinnamon and apples! I follow you on fb
My favorite breakfast food probably has to be French toast! Although these oatmeal cups look like they could be a new winner…!
Growing up it would have to be Gram’s biscuits and gravy ;) But today my palate has thankfully changed to loving a protein shake with almond butter, oats, cinnamon, and blueberries!
My favorite breakfast is a fried egg on top of crispy fried potatoes. I cut the potatoes in about 1cm square dice and fry it in a little coconut oil in a skillet. When theyre very brown and crispy, top with an egg fried over-medium and when you break the yolk it runs into the potatoes. MMM mmm!
My favorite breakfast is a bowl of peaches, bananas, and berries with fage yogurt, topped with orange blossom honey and bee pollen. A strong, black Americano on the side is also a beautiful accompaniment to this.
These look so goooooood, what a way to jazz up oatmeal and bananas and make it look super cute!
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Erica these look amazing! My favorite breakfast food is eggs (any preparation) but after I try these that might change!
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I love anything homebaked for breakfast, muffins, scones, etc.
These are so cute and look amazing. I am drooling.
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Like your husband I run many miles so in the mornings I like to focus on getting a good supply of calcium in the morning.European style yogurt with banana slices, crunchy peanut butter , chia seeds and a swirl of agave is always my goto! Thanks for the amazing recipes.:)
I rarely get my guy to eat breakfast either!! If he does, it’s something savory like eggs and hash browns. Never sweet, the way I like it! I can’t choose a favorite though; there are just too many breakfast foods I like! Granola, pancakes, coffee cake, fresh fruit, yogurt parfaits, donuts, peanut butter on toast… Yum!
I love Greek yogurt with oats or muesli and fruit! I could eat that for every meal!
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My favorite breakfast food is Quinoa Flakes. I love making a Pumpkin Pie version and a Chocolate Cinnamon version! So good and sustaining!
I love all things breakfast. Oatmeal cups are my weekday go-to, but pancakes are my weekend fave.
My favorite breakfast food is lightly toasted whole wheat bread peanut butter sandwich but instead of jelly, I use fresh berries, bananas & kiwis, or any other fresh fruit available I also make the same exact sandwich but instead of fruits, I use crisp celery slices and carrot slices. I have been following you on Pinterest & twitter
I’m a smoothie girl — my husband is an overnight oats fan — we both LOVE almond butter in a breakfasts! Great contest and recipe. Thanks!
My favorite breakfast food is oatmeal, cant wait to try these!
I have two; fried cornmeal mush with maple syrup and yogurt with granola.
Yum! Love oatmeal and these look incredible!
I would have to say that my fav breakfast is definitely plain greek yogurt with a little granola for crunch and fruit for sweetness…always satisfying!
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My favorite breakfast food would probably be a PB&J Sandwich with Almond Milk. Classic and simple, yet still so delicious!
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I love a good cup of coffee in the morning, with a homemade oatmeal muffin and a cup of Greek yogurt!
My fav breakfast is a (quality, not fast-food) egg and cheese breakfast sandwich! Also I made your oatmeal cups recipe and it’s delicious :)
My favorite breakfast is a bowl of old fashioned oats with banana and cinnamon and a splash of milk. Perfect for cool fall mornings. Can’t wait to try these oatmeal cups!
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It will forever be my dad’s homemade crepes with maple syrup :)
my favorite breakfast food would be granola with greek yogurt and honey!
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I really like a delicious muffin for breakfast every once in awhile!
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Oatmeal is my favorite breakfast of course!! I love mine with a spoonful of peanut butter or some sliced bananas :) hence why I’m crazy for this recipe!
I love waffles with fresh fruit!
Raw granola, sliced banana, cinnamon, walnuts, and almond milk, all in a great big bowl!! If it’s a great day, i’ll even add raisins. Yummm!!!
my favorite breakfast is oatmeal! these look amazing.
Followed you on Twitter as well! (sorry I poseted this a day later than the other ones, I liked them all at the same time but the comment wasn’t being approved or something like that)
I love green smoothies, or overnight oatmeal with yogurt, fruit, and nut butters :)
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starting following some of your boards on Pinterest because I love a good oatmeal recipe.
My favorite breakfast has to be raw oatmeal smoothie with kale, banana and apple. Yummy. Is it morning yet :-)
Looks delicious. Thanks for the recipe!
My favorite breakfast food is oatmeal!
Since living in US I love Eggs for breakfast, hot sauce a plus.
It’s either that or a latte with a toast + jam
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I love vegan recipes, my son is dairy intolerant and these cups look great.
My favorite food IS breakfast! It varies from day to day, but I almost ALWAYS come back to pancakes! And I only like the ones I make at home….soft and fluffy on the inside with a crisp exterior! Nothing like the “syrup sponges” that you order out at restaurants! Ick!
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MY favorite breakfast food? It changes all the time, but I love a great french toast.
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Bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns…mmm…or maybe blueberry muffins
I love pancakes and bacon….mmm
I love Swedish pancakes (not just for breakfast)
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I love quinoa with berries, bananas, protein powder, and almond milk in the morning
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My favorite breakfast is definitely any type of muffin! :)
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I’m in LOVE with breakfast parfaits! Plain, fat free greek yogurt with granola or cereal topped with fresh berries. Mmm… Best way to get my dairy in while starting my morning with a healthy dose of protein. My fave.
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My favorite breakfast is sausage, crispy hash browns with gravy and pancakes with lots of syrup. Super healthy! haha. I don’t eat this very often.
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I just ate two of these for breakfast. Yummm.
My favorite breakfast is my homemade maple syrup nutty granola!
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not a breakfast lover but I sure do love almonds
French Toast … these look delicious!
I’m a yogurt and granola girl during the summer and love a little oatmeal in the colder months!
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My now favorite breakfast food is oatmeal . usually slow cooked like apple chai or pumpkin spice.
I hate to admit before I switch to vegan eating my Absolute favorite breakfast would have been doughnuts! (esp long johns with choc icing and cream filling)
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and my favorite thing to eat for breakfast is a tie between scones and cinnamon rolls! Going to go scour your blog for more breakfast recipes now!
Peanut butter and banana on toast is my favorite – quick and yummy.
I love having oatmeal for breakfast topped with cinnamon, craisins, raisins, strawberries, bananas, and blueberries. I do go heavy on the toppings but that’s what makes the oatmeal delicious! ;)
I follow California Almonds on Twitter as @livelovelynn
I love fruit smoothies for breakfast or apples dipped in almond butter! YUM.
I love scones for breakfast, especially raspberry ones!
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My favorite breakfast food is apple cinnamon oatmeal with added dried cranberries. It’s a delicious mix of flavors!
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My favorite breakfast food is fresh fruit with yogurt and granola. I could eat fruit all day every day.
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And I follow CA Almonds on Twitter too.
And I follow CA Almonds on Twitter too. :)
Overnight oats!! I love how versatile it is and then when i wake up in the morning, i can decide whether i want to eat it hot or cold. I load the oatmeal with tons of fresh fruit, chia seeds, nuts and top it with a scoop of homemade apple sauce and i mix in plain Greek yogurt! Yummm!!
My new favorite breakfast food is shakshuka – eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce. I’ll also mix in some spinach and feta cheese, and scoop everything up with some crusty bread. So good!
Hey lady! I just posted a baked oatmeal muffin recipe using your recipe as a guide. Yummy! Thanks for the inspiration! I’m hooked!
I make a sugar free Breakfast Cookie that is sweetened only with fresh banana and unsweetened applesauce. It’s by far my favorite breakfast food and totally portable!
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My favorite breakfast food is anything with oats. I’ve been making “HelynsHealthyKitchen” baked oatmeal for the past month and it makes a large 8×8 pan. I figured 10 servings would be perfect but hard to cut. This weekend I’m going to make it but use a muffin tin. What a great idea! I’ll be trying out this recipe too. Love that oatmeal!! And don’t get me started on almonds. Yummy!
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These look delicious! From one quinoa loving blogger to another!
Thanks Lisa :) Love your blog name!
These are a great breakfast idea! I’m always looking for things to make ahead!
What kind of almond butter would taste best with this? Raw unsalted? Roasted salted/unsalted, etc?
Hi Tiffany, I used roasted unsalted.
I love toast with avocado, tomato and lettuce. Delicious and nutritious.
My favorite food is scrambled eggs with avocado & a side of toast! and pancakes on the weekends !
Thanks for this recipe! We love it!
My family is vegan and nut-free due to allergies, so I subbed fresh blueberries for almonds. Delicious! A new family favorite!
Made these today and they were amazing and made my house smell great – bonus! Topped with almond butter and a drizzle of maple syrup as suggested and this was an amazing breakfast and definitely satisfied my sweet tooth too!
These look delicious! What are your instructions for reheating them once they are refrigerated?
These are amazing! I actually made one into a pancake (after tasting the batter, this seemed like an excellent idea) while the rest baked- so so good! Worth a try that way, too! :)
One of my favorite breakfasts or anytime for a special treat: an organic gluten free apple cinnamon waffle with
almond butter and maple syrup, sometimes I add fruit- yummy:)
Well….just plain old oatmeal used to be my fave breakfast until I made these banana almond butter oatmeal cups. I have made them 4 times so far and not only enjoy them for breakfast before work,but bring them camping as a healthy treat. Thanks for the recipe!!!!
I love steel cut oats with blueberries and walnuts.
Egg sandwiches are transportable and delicious !!
Is there any nutritional information for these?
Looks so good for breakfast! Yum!
My favorite breakfasts are steel-cut oats with berries, homemade granola with yogurt and berries, and cinnamon raisin French toast with wonderful VT maple syurp!
I’m not a big breakfast person, but if I had to say, I like the bacon/egg/cheese muffin & those crispy little hashbrowns from Burger King!
Is there something you can replace maple syrup with?